Welcome to ITRX


The International Transportation Resource eXchange

This Web site is a services of Fairmont Associates, a consulting firm specializing in International Logistics and U.S.Customs Procedures. We hope that you find the information on ITRX useful. If we can help you with a specific problem you can E-mail us here.

ITRX is your gateway to transportation resources on the World Wide Web. In addition the links to the Web, we have listed providers of services that do not have their own Web Sites.

Our goal is to provide the largest number of listings and links to transportation providers to assist you in getting your merchandize to its destination as soon as possible. We know that your time is valuable so we will keep the graphics and other fancy stuff to a minimum so that file transfers will be fast.


If you have a provider that you would like to see listed on ITRX, please let us know about them. We can be reached by E-mail. Please let us know what you like or don't like about ITRX. Well intentioned constructive criticism is always welcome.



Send comments or suggestions to webmaster@itrx.com